Know Before You Go

Know Before You Go

Welcome to the 8th International Congress on Controversies in Rheumatology and Autoimmunity (CORA 2025)

CORA 2025 is planned as a fully in-person Congress to be held on 6-8 March 2025 in Venice, Italy.

Print your name badge at any Self Check-In station located in the registration area during hours listed below.
You can check in using
 one of the following options:
 Scan the barcode from this email or your Personal Area in the mobile app
 Use Face Recognition (available if you uploaded a photo during registration)

 Please ensure you wear your name badge at all times during sessions and events.



Invited speakers in Debate and Scientific sessions, as well as all session chairs/moderators are kindly requested to visit the Faculty Registration Desk to collect their badges. All other delegates including abstract presenters are kindly requested to follow the prepaid registration procedures above. Thank you for your cooperation!


  • Thursday, 6 March – 10:00-19:00
  • Friday, 7 March – 08:00-18:00
  • Saturday, 8 March – 08:30-16:30


  • Thursday, 6 March – 10:00-19:00
  • Friday, 7 March – 08:00-18:00
  • Saturday, 8 March – 08:30-16:00


  • Thursday, 6 March – 12:00-20:00
  • Friday, 7 March – 08:00-19:00
  • Saturday, 8 March – 08:30-16:30


  • Thursday, 6 March – 14:30-20:00 – End of Welcome Reception
  • Friday, 7 March – 09:30-17:00
  • Saturday, 8 March – 09:30-16:00


Print your name badge at any Self Check-In station located in the registration area during hours listed below.
You can check in using
 one of the following options:
 Scan the barcode from this email or your Personal Area in the mobile app
 Use Face Recognition (available if you uploaded a photo during registration)

 Please ensure you wear your name badge at all times during sessions and events.



Invited speakers in Debate and Scientific sessions, as well as all session chairs/moderators are kindly requested to visit the Faculty Registration Desk to collect their badges. All other delegates including abstract presenters are kindly requested to follow the prepaid registration procedures above. Thank you for your cooperation!

Palazzo del Casino
Lungomare Guglielmo Marconi, 1861, 30126 Lido VE, Italia
Phone: +39 041 521 8711

Learn how to get around Venice

Free WiFi is available to all Congress delegates throughout the venue. Please be aware that public WiFi capacity is limited to email and web browsing activity.

WiFi Network: GSKforCORA25| Password: GSKcora25!

Enhance your Congress experience by using the CORA 2025 mobile app.


Participants are advised to wear business casual for all Congress functions and programs.

The official language of the Congress is English.

The average temperature in Venice in early March is mild, around 8 – 13°C.

The Euro is the currency of Italy.
You can compare your local currency to the Euro HERE.

If you have any questions, please be sure to check out our Frequently Asked Questions or send us an email via the Contact Us form.

Find below helpful information on how to get around Venice and how to reach the Congress venue from the airport or train station.

We are pleased to invite congress delegates to the CORA 2025 Networking Event.
FRIDAY, 7 MARCH 2025, 20:30-00:30 Venetian Ballroom at Hilton Molino Stucky

Please note: Pre-registration and payment are required. Slots are limited. For further information, please see here or approach the Registration Desk onsite.

The 8th International Congress on Controversies in Rheumatology and Autoimmunity, Venice, Italy 06/03/2025 – 08/03/2025, has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 15.0 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.

For more details about the congress accreditation, as well as information on how to receive your CME/CPD certificate, please click HERE.

Please find below information regarding CORA 2025 Exhibitors and Industry-supported sessions.

Support from pharmaceutical partners helps make this event possible. As such, it is important that we comply with the various codes and directives relating to the manufacturing, distribution, and marketing of pharmaceutical products. The European Union directive (2001/83/EC, article 86) provides guidelines relating to medicinal products for human use. Within these guidelines is the restriction that access to pharmaceutical product marketing activities must be limited to only those participants licensed/authorized to prescribe or supply medicinal products. All participants, with the exception of the exhibitors, are asked the following question during registration: Are you licensed/authorized to prescribe or supply prescription-only medicines?

You are invited to visit the Mosaic of Autoimmunity Booth (Booth #04) to learn more about how you can continue your autoimmunity learning journey in person at The 15th International Congress on Autoimmunity in Prague on 14-17 May 2026 and at The Mosaic of Autoimmunity Academy – the free, online, accredited knowledge & research hub for all autoimmunity healthcare practitioners.
Get your free account at

Make sure to stop by our booth daily to have your say and vote about a brand new debate each day.
Find out how to access a wealth of free resources such as research papers, webinars & International Friday Meeting recordings and how you can earn CME credits for completing online courses, on the Mosaic of Autoimmunity Academy.

Participants are requested to check with the Consulate/Embassy of Italy or diplomatic mission in their home country or with their travel agency for visa requirements. It is the responsibility of the participant to obtain a visa if required.

An official personalized letter of invitation can be provided to registered participants as part of the registration procedure. This invitation is prepared solely for the purpose of visa applications and does not constitute a commitment on the part of the organizers to provide any financial support or confirmation of inclusion in the scientific program.

Invitation letters can be provided electronically (PDF) if required after the registration process is completed. If you have already registered, please find the link for this visa letter portal in your registration confirmation email. For further information please contact us.

All event activities (including educational sessions, meal functions, exhibit hall, etc.) are exclusively reserved for registered attendees. Non-registered guests (including children, family members, colleagues, etc.) are not allowed in any of the event areas. Badges provided at registration are required for entrance into all functions and will be strictly enforced.

The Congress Secretariat and Organizers cannot accept liability for personal accidents or loss of or damage to private property of participants. Participants are advised to take out their own personal travel and health insurance for their trip.

As organizers of CORA 2025, taking place in Venice, Italy on 6-8 March, 2025 we have entrusted TWT srl, Rome, to collect the applications from the Pharmaceutical Companies for the Italian Ministry of Health agency AIFA procedure, in compliance with the instructions given by the Legislative Order 219 of the 24th April 2006 – art. 124.

Tel: +39 06 597 84 01

PLEASE NOTE: Kenes Group is not involved in the registration procedure. It is the pharmaceutical companies’ sole responsibility to adhere to the above regulations directly via a local agent.

Please contact TWT srl no later than 80 days before the start of the congress.

Mr. Gianni Frontani /
Mrs. Anna Lupidi /

TWT srl
Via Arrigo Davila 130
Tel. +39 06 44249321

Congress Organizer:

Kenes Group
7, rue François-Versonnex,
C.P. 6053, 1211 Geneva 6